Miss Audrey Hepburn
Acrylic on canvas
This was actually a spur of the moment painting for one of my greatest friends. She loves Audrey and it was a a gift that she deserved. I believe the photo was taken before a few minor adjustments were made but I was pretty pleased with the final piece. Also, if you are familiar with this famous photograph of Audrey Hepburn, you'll realize it is backwards. I take most of the pictures with the camera on my computer, so most paintings are opposite of what is shown.
Guitar Test
Watercolor, charcoal, and acrylic
I have been practicing with several different mediums lately. These three pieces were created from one sketch, but completed in three different mediums. I had questioned many people about which one they appreciated most. Although there was no clear winner, I liked these three as one composition. I'm waiting to get them framed as one piece in 3 seperate windows in the same order as in the photo.
My grandfather adored this house and was heartbroken when he had to leave.
Although he believed no one liked him, I painted this a couple years ago for him to reminisce. His dream career was architecture so I tried my best to completely represent this house without leaving out any detail. I had my difficulties because watercolor is not the easiest medium, but this piece actually won an honorable mention at the Brockway Art Show.