Monday, March 31, 2008

Finger Painting

Lucy, you got some 'splaining to to!
Acrylic on chipboard
I have finally completed the beloved Lucielle Ball painting. It didn't turn out as great as I had expected but I think I'm finally satisfied after the long hours it took to finish. She doesn't quite look like I love Lucy but that fiery red hair helps. This was a project for my 2D color design class called optical mixing. Your eye is supposed to visually combine all the different colors to create an image. We had to chose pictures with high contrast, but were not allowed to use black paint to create the shadows. So the darkest shadows had to be the pure color from the tube and we mixed in white to show highlights. It was a long process considering this painting is about four feet tall and I was finger painting. 


Anonymous said...

Sarah! I'm so proud of you!!!! Awesome stuff. Can't wait to see more!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well done Sarah. You've got a great eye and steady hand. Would love to see more - so keep posting.

Uncle Jerry

Anonymous said...

Sarah, You are doing such great work!!! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT ADDITION.